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[31M]≫ Libro Crystal Whisperer Spotless Series Book 3 (Audible Audio Edition) Camilla Monk Amy McFadden Books

Crystal Whisperer Spotless Series Book 3 (Audible Audio Edition) Camilla Monk Amy McFadden Books

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Download PDF  Crystal Whisperer Spotless Series Book 3 (Audible Audio Edition) Camilla Monk Amy McFadden Books

Perpetually foiled romance heroine Island Chaptal and reformed cleaning expert March - or is it Mr. November? - are enjoying a pleasant break in South Africa, after brushing with death in the inhospitable and platypus-infested mountains of Liechtenstein.

That is, until a commercial flight disintegrates over the Atlantic, killing hundreds, and Island's supervillain dad makes the news as the mastermind behind the attack. Old Lion Dries is now on the run, and he calls upon his last ally - and favorite disciple - March.

From the streets of Venice to the turquoise waters of French Polynesia, March and Island embark on a deadly race against the clock to find out what secrets lie behind Dries's downfall, and stop the mysterious Crystal Whisperer before it's too late. This time, though, there might just be no winning against futuristic weapons, CIA agents, Roomba cats, (reluctantly) evil henchmen, and dads who won't let you get your groove on, dammit!

Crystal Whisperer Spotless Series Book 3 (Audible Audio Edition) Camilla Monk Amy McFadden Books

First things first: do not start this series here. I mean, you could. Camilla Monk does an excellent job getting you caught up on the characters and action and the story is gripping so you will have a fun time. But the other stories are so fun and interesting, you will miss a lot by not reading them. So if you are new to this series, go get caught up.

Now that you have done that, buy this book and do some self-assessment. This book ends in a major cliffhanger. Normally that annoys me, but in this case, I will give it a pass. At this point, you are in it for the long-haul and are majorly invested in the characters. Monk did not pull a stunt with a first book meant to sell more books. By the time you are reading a third book, you are invested in a series. Another reason that I will give it a pass is that the cliffhanger is really well done. It is not simply a “Whoops, I hit my page limit; let’s end here” deal. Main characters have epiphanies, the action scene leading up to it is intense, and there is at least one major surprise.

So here is where the self-assessment comes in. There is one more book, scheduled for May 2017. I finished reading this tightly paced, action-packed, funny book and went, “Gaaahhh!!!!! How am I going to wait for May?!?!?” And OK, I will probably read this a few times between now and then, but I am not good at waiting. If you are not, either, you should still buy this book, but maybe wait to read it until you can get your mitts on the final installment. In fact, you should buy several copies of this book. My hope is that Camilla Monk becomes so wildly successful that she quits her day job (even if that is fulfilling and life-affirming) and hire peons to take care of every aspect of her life that is not writing so that we can have many more of her books.

I received an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion, but just had to buy it anyway. Kindle books are easier to read and I want to make Camilla Monk wildly successful (see above).

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 11 hours and 43 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Camilla Monk
  • Release Date December 21, 2016
  • Whispersync for Voice Ready
  • Language English, English

Read  Crystal Whisperer Spotless Series Book 3 (Audible Audio Edition) Camilla Monk Amy McFadden Books

Tags : Crystal Whisperer: Spotless Series, Book 3 (Audible Audio Edition): Camilla Monk, Amy McFadden: Books, ,Camilla Monk, Amy McFadden,Crystal Whisperer: Spotless Series, Book 3,Camilla Monk,B01MRZ70IB
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Crystal Whisperer Spotless Series Book 3 (Audible Audio Edition) Camilla Monk Amy McFadden Books Reviews

The third book in this series and a warning, it does end in a cliff hanger, but I DID NOT CARE. And usually this would pee me off majorly, but this book was so enjoyable, that I didn't mind. Ok, so the fact that the next book in the series releases in only 5 days, may be contributing to my easy acceptence of this, but I enjoyed the developments in this book so much, that I'm dealing. And if the next release took longer, I'd even be happy to just chill with it, maybe re-read (there is so much that goes on that a re-read could only enhance the experience, allowing you to take more in) the first 3 books, and re-listen to the Audible version, because it is just that good. This one is gonna keep you on your toes.
Oh. My. Golly. This book was soooo good! I definitely read books 1 and 2 in the Spotless series quickly, but I ripped through this one even faster. Such a thrilling story! Island and March finally have some quality time together after the Ruby fiasco. But when Dries comes calling for help after he's framed for a supposed terrorist attack, they have to leave their love nest in South Africa and embark on another dangerous adventure. So much insanity happens, I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. And the end...oh God...the ending is everything. Be prepared. Seriously.

Camilla Monk is such an amazing writer! I couldn't put this book down. I didn't start reading this series until last month, and I'm glad I didn't because I haven't had to wait long to read the next book in the series. I started Butterfly in Amber the night I finished Crystal Whisperer...I just HAD to know what happened next!
I am LOVING the books in this series, but HATED the cliff hanger in this one!

Each of the books in this series progresses the relationship between or hero and heroine, March and Island, as well as some other recurring characters. But each book is also a stand alone story of espionage and intrigue and a case that our daring duo ultimately solves...not exactly in this one.

Don't get me wrong, it has the thrills, some humor, espionage and the requisite case our duo must investigate and solve with the help of agents and assassins from disintegration including the CIA. But, there is a back story, only hinted at in the previous book, that is developed in this one. It involves our main characters as well as several secondary characters from the various factions who have "turned" on their own people. These characters are also involved in the case our duo is investigating for their own nefarious or personal reasons and it's all intertwined with this developing back story.

This was a more intense story than the previous ones....especially towards the end. I was like riding a really high roller coaster and finally getting too the top where you're expecting to take the big drop straight down, only you're left hanging at the top...think Busch Garden's Sheikra (long hang time before that drop). Oh well, I always did love roller coasters....have the next one ready to go! Here comes the drop....Wheeeeee!
First things first do not start this series here. I mean, you could. Camilla Monk does an excellent job getting you caught up on the characters and action and the story is gripping so you will have a fun time. But the other stories are so fun and interesting, you will miss a lot by not reading them. So if you are new to this series, go get caught up.

Now that you have done that, buy this book and do some self-assessment. This book ends in a major cliffhanger. Normally that annoys me, but in this case, I will give it a pass. At this point, you are in it for the long-haul and are majorly invested in the characters. Monk did not pull a stunt with a first book meant to sell more books. By the time you are reading a third book, you are invested in a series. Another reason that I will give it a pass is that the cliffhanger is really well done. It is not simply a “Whoops, I hit my page limit; let’s end here” deal. Main characters have epiphanies, the action scene leading up to it is intense, and there is at least one major surprise.

So here is where the self-assessment comes in. There is one more book, scheduled for May 2017. I finished reading this tightly paced, action-packed, funny book and went, “Gaaahhh!!!!! How am I going to wait for May?!?!?” And OK, I will probably read this a few times between now and then, but I am not good at waiting. If you are not, either, you should still buy this book, but maybe wait to read it until you can get your mitts on the final installment. In fact, you should buy several copies of this book. My hope is that Camilla Monk becomes so wildly successful that she quits her day job (even if that is fulfilling and life-affirming) and hire peons to take care of every aspect of her life that is not writing so that we can have many more of her books.

I received an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion, but just had to buy it anyway. books are easier to read and I want to make Camilla Monk wildly successful (see above).
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